Audrey is a member of the Poinsett Pounders Snowmobile Club. At the club level and state level she has helped promote paying the membership
dues to help keep trails open and has gotten friends to join the Brookings club and support SDSA.
On the state level she is representing snowmobiling a lot by promoting YETIS and teaching them leadership skills that they can take back
to their clubs and promote to their friends and keep snowmobiling and memberships active in our state.
She has helped promote SDSA by helping in the Sno-cross booth the past 2 years and encouraged friends and local legislators to attend
Governor’s ride. On the national level she attended ISC in Rapid City in 2016 and and has made sure we have YETIS representation at
the ISC events as they will be the future of our organization.
Audrey says” I have snowmobiled with my family for the past 5 years and we have really made it a family affair. I have helped the past
2 years put in and take down 8 miles of trail marking with my 2 girls and husband that goes up to Henry and past our house. I have promoted
the SDSA events and participated in convention the past 3 years, along with Governor’s rides. I have helped my 2 girls learn how
to ride their snowmobiles and we love to go use the trails in Black Hills during the winter where we have a cabin. “
Congratulations Audrey!