JUNE 22 – 24
YETIS camping event at Lake Thompson For more information contact Rachel Watkins @ rachelfwatkins@gmail.com
YETIS camping event at Lake Thompson For more information contact Rachel Watkins @ rachelfwatkins@gmail.com
C'mon out for a great night with Tripwire Band at the Gary SD STREET Dance. Right in front of the Gary Bar. July 3rd 2018 9pm to 1 am. For more information 507-530-5920
Registration $5 per sled 9 a.m. - 11:30. Awards at 2 p.m. For more information contact Greg Nordstrom 605-929-4175 or sdsnow181@gmail.com sfsnotrackers.com Event is at Power Brokers Sioux Falls SD
Presenter: Bob Comey, Director of the Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center – Jackson Hole, Wyoming Bob Comey works for the U.S. Forest Service and has been forecasting daily avalanche hazards since 1992 for the Jackson Hole, Togwotee Pass, Wyoming Range and Salt River Range areas in western Wyoming. His group provides avalanche classes to snowmobile clubs and […]
Rusty Nutz Vintage Ride Trailshead Lodge "Show & Shine" 9 a.m. - noon Short ride will follow Food in parking lot at Trailshead Featured sled POLARIS