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SnoTracker/Power Brokers Winter Vintage Show & Shine

Registration $5 per sled 9 a.m. - 11:30. Awards at 2 p.m. For more information contact Greg Nordstrom 605-929-4175 or Event is at Power Brokers Sioux Falls SD

Avalanche Education

Ramkota convention Center Amphitheatre Sioux Falls SD SD, United States

Presenter: Bob Comey, Director of the Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center – Jackson Hole, Wyoming Bob Comey works for the U.S. Forest Service and has been forecasting daily avalanche hazards since 1992 […]

Rusty Nutz Vintage Ride

Rusty Nutz Vintage Ride Trailshead Lodge "Show & Shine" 9 a.m. - noon Short ride will follow Food in parking lot at Trailshead Featured sled POLARIS


Poinsett Pounders are hosting a Family Day at Lake Poinsett. Safety course age 7 & up at 10 a.m. KITTY KAT races for ages 5-10 registration at noon FREE CHILI & HOT DOGS at 11:30 Poinsett Pounders at Siouxland Resort Hwy 81


Days of 76 Event Complex Deadwood, SD Deadwood, south dakota, United States

Don’t forget to make plans for the US Airforce Deadwood Snocross this year. SDSA will have a booth again for the upcoming races. The dates are January 25th and 26th. Tickets generally sell out both nights so be sure to get yours early!  SDSA members can get a 10% discount if they order their tickets […]