Advisory Council meeting followed by SDSA meeting Spearfish Holiday Inn
Governor's Advisory meeting starts at 6. SDSA meeting follows.
Governor's Advisory meeting starts at 6. SDSA meeting follows.
DC Fly - in April 14 - 17. SDSA will be represented!
The 2nd annual Jakob Hohm Off-Road Adventures Ride and Fun Day will be held April 14th, 2018 in Willow Lake. Ride to begin at 1:00 PM with meal, kids games, and casino games to follow the ride. Stay tuned for more details!
$10 raffle ticket - get in touch with any of the YETIS kids - (if you need any of their contact info email [email protected] and I'll get you in touch with them) Grand prize - $250 First Place Parts gift certificate 2nd - KLIM GEAR donated by Klim rep Brett Donohue 3rd prize Motorfist Red […]
Postponed date. Ride at 1 p.m. starting at Willow Lake School Gym. Fun activities planned. Colleen 605-881-2442 if you have questions.