June 4 – June 7 International Snowmobile Congress
Tentative agenda Tuesday June 4 10:00 AM 2:00 PM Registration Setup 2:00 4:00 Registration Wednesday June 5 9:30 2:00 IASA Educational Sessions 9:30 5:00 ISMA 10:00 6:00 Trade Show Set […]
Tentative agenda Tuesday June 4 10:00 AM 2:00 PM Registration Setup 2:00 4:00 Registration Wednesday June 5 9:30 2:00 IASA Educational Sessions 9:30 5:00 ISMA 10:00 6:00 Trade Show Set […]
9 am Governor's Advisory Council SDSA meeting to follow Pierre, SD
Friday, December 6 10:00 AM: Snowmobile Advisory Council – 12:00 Noon: Auction Items Registered and Vendor Setup 1:30 PM: SDSA Pre-Convention Meeting – 3:00 PM: - Registration Begins 3:00 - 10:00 PM: Vendor Trade Show 3:00 - 6:30 PM: Hospitality Rooms Open 5:00 PM: Presidents Meeting – 6:00 PM: Beer & Bull – 7:30 […]
Hosted by the Poinsett Pounders in Watertown SD
Hosted at Ramkota Hotel - Watertown, SD 7:30 - 8:45 AM: Breakfast – 7:30 - 4:00 PM: Trade Show 9:00 AM: - SDSA Annual Meeting – - YETIS meeting following […]
Deadwood Snocross. SDSA is a sponsor! newDwdSnocross_2020_Dec-Jan_SnoPlainsman_CMYK-Flatish